Do We Need Clinical Trials for MS Lifestyle Treatments? MStranslate August 30, 2017 Lifestyle, Opinion, Treatments 1 Comment We have been discussing lifestyle factors, such as diet and exercise, a lot recently on MStranslate. This has been presented both in terms of the reported benefits of these approaches from anecdotal evidence...
Alternative Treatment Approaches in MS Reviewed MStranslate August 29, 2017 Lifestyle, Research, Treatments 2 Comments Across the last few weeks, the MStranslate Facebook page has placed a large focus on lifestyle modifications and how they can be used to help manage multiple sclerosis. As well as gauging how members of the MS...
Improving Fatigue: A Goal for New MS Treatments? MStranslate August 22, 2017 Fatigue, Research, Symptoms, Treatments 1 Comment “Doing the little things can make a big difference” - Yogi Berra We constantly marvel at the hard-work, dedication and perseverance of multiple sclerosis researchers around the world. It is through...
Medicinal Cannabis for Multiple Sclerosis MStranslate July 14, 2017 Research, Treatments 1 Comment Firstly, we would like to thank everyone who contributed to last week's poll gauging the community's interest in access to medicinal cannabis for the management of multiple sclerosis. Considering the...
MIS416 Multiple Sclerosis Trial Results MStranslate June 28, 2017 MIS416, Research, Treatments On Tuesday, Innate Immunotherapeutics released a report outlining the first set of results from their Phase 2b trial on the use of their compound, MIS416, in people with secondary progressive multiple...
Multiple Sclerosis Treatment Overview: AHSCT MStranslate June 13, 2017 Stem Cells, Treatments 1 Comment Recently, I’ve had the pleasure of talking to a number of different local multiple sclerosis support groups about multiple sclerosis (MS) and MS research. These events generally involve me giving a small...
Health Impacts of Interferon-beta Use in MS MStranslate May 16, 2017 Interferon-beta, Research, Treatments Research Summary: Evaluating the safety of β-interferons in MS Research from the University of British Columbia has looked at the long-term health effects of interferon-beta treatment in people with...
Secondary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis & Statins MStranslate May 15, 2017 Research, Treatments There has been a lot of media attention recently on a trial testing statins as a treatment for multiple sclerosis (MS). The study is being led by University College London and will involve over 1100 people...
Multiple Sclerosis Treatment Information: Daclizumab MStranslate May 3, 2017 Daclizumab, Treatments It has been reported this week that daclizumab (marketed as Zinbryta) has been added to the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) in Australia. Considering this, we thought it appropriate to provide some more...
Mitochondrial Dysfunction & ER Stress in MS MStranslate April 4, 2017 Research, Treatments Research Summary: Rab32 connects ER stress to mitochondrial defects in multiple sclerosis Mitochondria are often referred to as the ‘powerhouses’ of the cell, as they are largely responsible for the...