Sunshine and Multiple Sclerosis – The Role of Vitamin D (Part 2) MStranslate March 12, 2013 Genetics, Lifestyle, Research, Vitamin D By Brett Drummond In part one of this series, we discussed that geographical studies indicated that MS is more prevalent the further you moved away from the equator and that this was thought to be due to...
Obesity and Multiple Sclerosis MStranslate March 7, 2013 Research After my article on the links between Vitamin D and MS, one astute follower noted that the worldwide incidence of MS could also be found to correlate with levels of obesity around the world. Based on this and...
Sunshine and Multiple Sclerosis – The Role of Vitamin D (Part 1) MStranslate March 4, 2013 Lifestyle, Research, Vitamin D By Brett Drummond For a long time, it has been known that both genetics and the environment play a role in determining how likely a person is to develop multiple sclerosis (MS). As technology advances, more...
MS Tasmania to Feature MStranslate Research Summaries MStranslate February 27, 2013 Collaboration We are proud to announce today a new collaboration with the MS Tasmania. This partnership will see them feature examples of our curated research news and information pieces, designed to keep people...
Blood Protein Leakage Leads to Immune Response That Causes Nerve Damage in MS MStranslate December 16, 2012 Research What has been found? Part of the immune response that leads to damage of the nerves in neuroinflammatory disease is activated by the leakage of a protein from the blood called fibrinogen. What is the...
Blood-brain Barrier Building Blocks Forged from Human Stem Cells MStranslate October 12, 2012 Research, Stem Cells What has been found? Scientists at the University of Wisconsin-Madison have managed to use stem cells, cells that have the potential to become many different cells in the body, to create the cells that form...