Last Friday, MStranslate attended the 4th annual Melbourne Brain Centre (MBC) symposium, held at the University of Melbourne.  Focussed on the topic of Precision Neuroscience, the symposium provided an update on:

  • Research projects being undertaken right across the MBC
  • Opportunities for research and engagement using new technologies and web platforms
  • The establishment of partnerships with China for the purposes of collaborative research.

Regarding the second point, we are proud to say that MStranslate’s  MBC Feature Weeks formed an important part of the session.  Dr Anneke van der Walt presented on the structure, format and successes of the campaign, having worked closely with MStranslate throughout the first six months of 2014.  The positive outcomes for all involved has ensured that MStranslate will assist the MBC in running a second Feature Week campaign in 2015.

The symposium also saw the official launch of the MBC’s new website, designed and built on their behalf by MStranslate.  While our primary focus will always remain on supporting the multiple sclerosis community through the communication of news and research developments, we’re excited to extend our service offering to the area of website development.  If you’re interested in checking out the new MBC website, you can do so at the below link.

Both the presentation and website launch reflected the huge success of the collaboration between MStranslate and the MBC in 2014, which will progress and strengthen in the new year.

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